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In Stillness and Silence

In Stillness and Silence


In stillness and silence, a sacred refrain,

We find the purpose of Yahweh, so gently explained.

Amidst the chaos and the noise of our days,

We seek clarity and peace in timeless ways.


In the hush of the morning, before dawn’s first light,

We listen for guidance, for truth burning bright.

In stillness and silence, we open our hearts,

To the whispers of wisdom, where divinity imparts.


A gentle breath, a quiet prayer,

In the stillness, we find our purpose laid bare.

The world rushes on, relentless and loud,

But in silence, we find our connection avowed.


In the pause between heartbeats, the space between thoughts,

We discover the power that silence wrought.

In stillness and silence, we feel the divine,

Guiding our steps, like a beacon to shine.


Let the world hurry and clamor, let it race and run,

We find our strength in the quiet, in the battles won.

In stillness and silence, we hear the call,

To serve with compassion, to uplift, enthrall.


For in the stillness, we find the power to heal,

To mend broken spirits, to help hearts to feel.

In silence, we discover the purpose so grand,

To serve with humility, to give a helping hand.


So let us embrace the quiet, the calm and the peace,

For in stillness and silence, our purpose will release.

In the depths of our being, the still, small voice,

Whispers the mission that makes our hearts rejoice.


In stillness and silence, we find our way,

To be vessels of love, in all that we say.

In the hush of the evening, as stars fill the sky,

We carry forth Yahweh’s purpose, with a soulful sigh.


So let us be still, and let us be quiet,

For in that sacred space, we find divine riot.

In stillness and silence, our purpose unfolds,

As we walk in Yahweh’s light, as the story of old.


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