Love that Will Never Leave

Love that will never leave,
for my Children.

I have found the love that will never leave,
In your eyesight I found freedom,
You are right in my heart and here you live,
Together the world cannot halt this freedom,
freedom to be who we want to be,
To be simply your mother and always my babies be,
This love will never leave.

Watching you grow,
Gracefully across the nations victorious,
Watching you blow,
Like your morning sun brings glorious,
Hope, you give me love,
Darlings you give me happiness,
This love will never leave.

Babies you mean more than the world to me,
I love you today,
I love you tomorrow, I pray you will see me,
In our memories, when the world kicks a day,
Always and every moments in-between,
I remain your mother and don’t; you,
Will never wake up to say mummy dosent,
This love will never leave.

In this cold world you will warm hearts,
In a godly and peaceful way,
You will change the Earth’s,
Doubts and fears as a way,
what ever you choose to be,
My love will never wake up faded but ours,
You are always mother’s and mummy yours,
This love will never leave.

In this world there will be disappointment
Run into my arms and stay
In this world there will be evil meant
To break you but don’t stay
Escape through grace who is Love
That is God living in your heart, courageous to move,
Our love will never leave.

For my Children,
I will be there my love will always be there





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