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Provebs 11:21

Provebs 11:21


It is not the feeling of not being loved that breaks the heart,

but the knowledge of the cruelty that can be exhibited by a human heart.


The heart aches when ignored,

The mind suffers when manipulated,

Humans seek love and find, and begin to take it for granted by continuously taking for granted the sacredness of faithfulness.


It is only a matter of time before every careless ungrateful heart will learn,

Surely on this earth, every seed has a time of harvest,

The God who created all is a God of justice,

In His endless mercy, He will avenge.


Stay true oh lovers of Truth and Love,

Your triumphs comes, early.


Proverbs 11:21 Certainly the evil-doer will not go free from punishment, but the seed of the upright man will be safe.




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