Seventeenth December: Relationships

Seventeenth December


Relationships don’t have to be so difficult, although emotions make them complicated. The feeling of pride, greed, and lust has ended a lot of, what would have been a worthy testimony.

Would you tolerate what you are demanding from your partner if you were married to you? If not then the change begins with you. There are no perfect persons but this love we all yearn for is. There is nothing wrong with it or would there be. When one decides to change, one would, but where there is no commitment to change, change can hardly occur.

God has a purpose for you, find it. God has a purpose for your marriage seek to know it. His purpose is to bring you to a flourishing end, nothing less. Violence, bitterness, regrets, and self-centered actions have never been part of His will for you. So how do you navigate back? Through His word, by being studious and reflective also obedient. Decide to trust God to mend what is broken, to heal where it is wounded. He will end every bleeding and restore all that the devil has stolen. It might seem impossible to trust and love again but trust God to show you how, usually He will take you one step at a time.

Don’t put your marriage on the back burner this Christmas. Share moments. Make time alone together a priority. Let your children know they have a friend in you. Pray more than ever before. Love more graciously and openly. Be eager to please one another, be the first to apologize and forgive. I have highlighted below things that could help in reigniting the romance in your marriage.

1. Don’t forget that character is built, it is the ability to go through temptation and overcome, that’s how an excellent character is formed. So perceiver and build on your character. Build on friendship by intentionally relearning about your spouse’s day-to-day dealings.

2. Admire and love instead of focusing on your partner’s flaws.

3. Pay attention to your partner, this means deciding to do simple things as doing things together like cooking or cleaning, asking about each other’s days, going for walks together, or taking a few minutes out of a busy day to offer support to each other. When your partner looks for attention, affection, or support, you are there for them. This is how you forge an emotional connection, and is the basis for romance, passion, and even good sex life. When couples turn their attention towards each other they stay emotionally engaged and remain together; when they don’t, they end up drifting apart.

4. Stooping to conquer is not a weakness, this reaction has won many more battles than winning an argument has. Yes, sometimes you may benefit from “yielding to win,” and let your partner have their way even if it’s not your ideal solution because it’s preferable to continue the fight or argue about an issue. Speak to each other with kindness. Doing this won’t end the conflict, but the issue will no longer hold such a powerful negative grip on your relationship, and your relationship will still be able to thrive despite these differences.

5. Finally to have a deeper dimension in which you and your partner create an inner life together has to do with both of you agree. Decide to create a culture within your relationship full of rituals and customs that link you and your partner together. Doing this will make memories and it is these memories that become reasons to fight on together instead of away.

Receive grace to love perfectly like Christ.

I believe in you, you are loved and cherished. God always has your back.

A wonderful and prosperous Christmas and New Year to you from all of us @ Please don’t forget to subscribe and like our blog.



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