Started Loving You Today

Started loving you today

Watching you closely,
Leaning to unravel, yet your mystery,
Inquisitively, is like I just started loving you.

Today I started loving you,
The world calls it a decade,
They measure seconds with you,
I measure heartbeats, each flutter, a serenade,
Little motions, endless possibilities,
Now that I have started loving you.

Someone had said,
It has been a while, a gain,
Some maybe, this desire will fade,
Like many passions in life,
Today I began loving you.

Your voice melts, all doubts,
And your touch, drives fear,
I would be lost, without you, there is no doubts,
A forgotten desert, a hall of fear,
Thank God, I start loving you each day, starting today.


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    To the webmaster, Your posts are always well-written and engaging.

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    Hello owner, Thanks for the well-structured and well-presented post!

  3. Katja Chamberlain

    To the administrator, Thanks for the well written post!

  4. Jessie Baile

    Hello owner, You always provide great examples and real-world applications.

  5. Shanice Schulte

    Hello administrator, Thanks for the well-organized and comprehensive post!

  6. Amie Were

    Hi administrator, Your posts are always well-supported by facts and figures.

  7. Kassandra Hayden

    To the webmaster, Your posts are always a great source of knowledge.

  8. Matthew Colby

    Dear admin, Your posts are always thought-provoking and inspiring.

  9. Maira Quan

    Dear owner, You always provide helpful diagrams and illustrations.

  10. Conrad Darnell

    Dear admin, Your posts are always well-structured and logical.

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