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Volunteer Chronicle: Unveiling the Heart of Change; a HAF Initiative written by Mr. Yahaya Faruk

Volunteer Chronicle: Unveiling the Heart of Change; a HAF Initiative written by Mr. Yahaya Faruk

In the wise words of Nelson Mandela, ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ These wisdom prove to be true in my journey as an educator. Growing up in a community where many households struggled to provide educational needs, I experienced firsthand the disparities in opportunities. Now, a trained teacher with over a decade of teaching experience in different school settings, I’ve witnessed the impact that dedicated educators and volunteers can make. In this volunteer chronicle, ‘Unveiling the Heart of Change,’ we’ll explore the challenges, triumphs, and the collective spirit that propels education forward. It’s a celebration of resilience, dedication, and the unyielding belief that every child deserves a chance to wield the powerful weapon of knowledge.”


What truly inspired my journey with Hasken Arewa Foundation was the organization’s unwavering commitment to creating a positive impact in Northern Nigeria. The vision of ensuring that every child has access to formal education resonated deeply with me. Hasken Arewa Foundation not only focuses on academics but also recognizes the importance of providing basic life necessities and fostering healthy mental well-being.

The organization’s values go beyond education, encompassing a holistic approach to uplift the lives of underprivileged children. This comprehensive perspective, aiming to create a society where these children can enjoy a secure, vigorous, and civilized life, is what fueled my decision to serve as a volunteer teacher. The alignment of my personal values with the organization’s mission creates a powerful synergy, motivating me to contribute wholeheartedly to the journey of positive change.

Little did I know that embracing the role of more than just a teacher will be a transformative experience. The initial realization that I needed to wear multiple hats – from being a father figure and a brother to a friend – hit me with a mix of excitement and challenge. It wasn’t just about delivering lessons; it was about understanding the unique needs of each child, offering support beyond the classroom, and building genuine connections.

This shift from solely being a classroom teacher to assuming broader responsibilities has shaped my perspective profoundly. I’ve learned that education extends beyond textbooks; it’s about fostering a sense of family, providing mentorship, and creating a safe space for these children to flourish.

Navigating this transition hasn’t been without its challenges – adapting to the diverse roles required patience and flexibility. Yet, as I’ve grown accustomed to being more than a teacher, I’ve found immense joy in being a source of guidance and support for these bright young minds. It’s not just about what happens within the four walls of a classroom; it’s about weaving the fabric of a supportive community where every child feels seen, heard, and valued. The initial challenge has become a stepping stone, shaping my approach with a casual and friendly touch, making every interaction a meaningful part of their educational journey.


One remarkable story that encapsulates the impact of this holistic approach involves a resilient young boy who, tragically, lost both parents in unfortunate circumstances. Witnessing his journey from the depths of trauma to remarkable academic success has been nothing short of inspiring. He not only found healing but also discovered and honed a valuable skill, paving the way for his exceptional academic achievements.

Moreover, the children in our program face diverse challenges stemming from the harsh realities of life and insecurity in their villages. Understanding the unique circumstances each child endures is crucial in tailoring our assistance effectively. Some grapple with the aftermath of displacement, while others bear witness to economic hardships. It’s in recognizing these differences that we can truly extend a helping hand, providing targeted support to address their specific needs and create a meaningful impact in the face of adversity. Through these experiences, I’ve learned that empathy and adaptability are key in fostering positive change in the lives of these resilient young souls. As a volunteer teacher, my favorite subject to teach is undoubtedly Creative Art. It goes beyond the conventional curriculum, offering a canvas for critical reasoning and boundless creativity. This subject provides learners with a unique opportunity to express themselves in ways that transcend traditional academic boundaries.

Creative Art becomes a gateway for these children to explore their thoughts, emotions, and imagination. Whether it’s through painting, drawing, or other artistic mediums, the students are encouraged to embrace their individuality and channel their experiences into meaningful expressions. Witnessing the transformative power of creativity, I’ve come to appreciate how this subject not only nurtures artistic skills but also fosters critical thinking and a sense of self-discovery. It’s a joy to see the vibrant and diverse perspectives these young minds bring to life through the lens of creative art.


I’ve witnessed students transform not only academically but also in their self-esteem and aspirations.

One compelling instance where education played a pivotal role in community development was the community’s experiencing a significant shift. Literacy rates improved, leading to better employment opportunities. Additionally, the newfound knowledge empowers community members to address local challenges, fostering a sense of unity and self-reliance.

The tangible impact of education on individuals and communities has deepened my commitment to the mission. The ripple effect of educated individuals transcends the classroom, influencing not only their lives but the prosperity and development of the entire community. This realization fuels my dedication to ensuring every child, regardless of their circumstances, has access to quality education and is a driving force for positive transformation.

Forming relationships with students has been a cornerstone of my volunteer experience. The bonds created go beyond the traditional teacher-student dynamic; they are built on mutual respect, trust, and genuine care. Interacting with students daily, I’ve learned about their dreams, challenges, and unique perspectives, fostering a sense of camaraderie that extends beyond the classroom.


Sacrificial commitments to the well-being of learners come with their fair share of challenges. Balancing the emotional investment, time constraints, and the weight of responsibility can be demanding. However, the rewards far outweigh the difficulties. To navigate these challenges and maintain resilience, several strategies have proven


1. Setting realistic expectations:

For me, setting realistic expectations is crucial. Recognizing that the journey may have obstacles allows for a more measured approach. Establishing achievable goals and celebrating small victories creates a sense of progress, fueling the motivation to persevere.

2. Maintaining a support system:

Maintaining a support system is equally vital. Sharing my experiences and challenges with fellow volunteers and mentors provides not only emotional support but also different perspectives and coping mechanisms. This communal bond fosters a resilient spirit and a collective commitment to the mission.

3. Adopting a proactive mindset: Adopting a proactive mindset helped me transform challenges into opportunities for growth. Every setback I face becomes a lesson, reinforcing the importance of adaptability and continuous learning. I embracing the notion that each difficulty is a stepping stone toward positive change strengthens, and that resolve to overcome obstacles.

In the face of sacrificial commitments, resilience and perseverance emerge as essential traits. By embracing realistic expectations, building a supportive community, and adopting a proactive mindset, I was able to navigate challenges with determination, ensuring a sustained and meaningful impact on the well-being of the learners.

There’s something about immersing oneself in the mission of empowering young minds that transforms not just the lives of students but also the one doing the teaching.

Personally, it’s been a journey of self-reflection and honing adaptability. I’ve discovered strengths I didn’t know I had and faced challenges that pushed me to grow. The daily interactions with resilient learners and the dynamic local community have added layers to my understanding of the world.

In a way, my individual journey is intricately connected to the broader mission of the foundation. As I’ve evolved, so has my commitment to the cause of education and community development. It’s not just about teaching lessons; it’s about embodying the values we stand for, contributing to a positive change that extends far beyond the classroom.

The mission has become a part of my own narrative of growth and transformation. It’s a casual yet profound connection, where personal strides align with the collective journey toward creating a brighter future for these incredible learners and the communities they represent.


Witnessing the positive changes in students’ lives and the transformative impact on communities is nothing short of heartwarming, but this was only possible because of the selfless contributions of my fellow volunteers. Each one brings a unique set of skills, passion, and dedication to the table, creating a collaborative and supportive environment.

The camaraderie among volunteers has been a cornerstone of our success. Whether sharing ideas, offering encouragement during challenging times, or celebrating small victories, their presence has been uplifting. Together, we form a diverse team, united by a common purpose – making a positive impact in the lives of these learners.

The foundation’s mission is a collective effort, and the contributions of my fellow volunteers amplify the reach and effectiveness of our initiatives. It’s a privilege to work alongside such inspiring individuals, and their unwavering commitment fuels our shared journey of creating meaningful change in the communities we serve.

From fostering creativity in the art classroom to being more than just a teacher, these experiences have shaped my perspective and solidified my commitment to the mission. It’s not just about textbooks and lessons; it’s about empowering young minds to overcome challenges, express themselves, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Education isn’t just a tool; it’s a beacon of hope, a catalyst for change. The stories of resilience, growth, and success in the face of adversity showcase the true power of education. As I continue this journey, I’m reminded that every lesson taught, every skill learned, and every connection made is a step towards a Northern Nigerian society where every child can thrive.

So here’s to the heart of change, one classroom, one student, and one community at a time. Let’s keep the flame of education burning bright, lighting the way for a future where every child has the chance to succeed. Cheers to the ongoing journey of positive impact and the unwavering commitment to unveiling the heart of change with Hasken Arewa Foundation.



Yahaya Faruk started his career as a children’s evangelist with the Children Evangelism Ministry (C.E.M) in 2009. Blending his passion for education and spirituality. As a trained teacher serving also as Sunday school teacher at his local church, he not only shared religious teachings but also instilled lasting values in the young minds he guided.

Moving into the role of a classroom teacher, Faruk expanded his impact by joining the “Hasken Arewa Foundation” as a volunteer teacher. Here, he contributes to supporting underprivileged children, addressing both their educational needs and overall well-being.

Yahaya Faruk’s story highlights his commitment to education, spirituality, and the welfare of underprivileged children, showcasing a life driven by purpose and service in a simple yet impactful manner.







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