My Father’s Compassion

I was once stupid
never tested alcohol
I was once stupid
To be driven by loud Music
Driven by a wrong passion
But You never left me

I was once stupid
To dance to dirty songs
In the quest for a strange inspiration
I once fooled that a child of Destiny
could serve the devil
In the smoky walls of clubs you watched Faithfull

I was so stupid to think that I could
Drive away my Fathers compassion
With a wonton way
In the wrong crowd
He spoke through thier lust
I hard his voice
Because He never left and I never stopped loving Him

I was angry
I was hurt
He was there I know HIS presence

I was crying out
He was there
All HE kept saying is His grace is sufficient

I was once stupid
To try to Hide

So you don’t judge me
My feet will continuelly dance in worship
Why my heart yarns to please Him
Why my words take flight in Him
There is no place to hide from His love

So before you judge me
Understand like my Father I am here to Love
I am on earth to take authority
To thrive in awesomeness
And flourish in His righteousness
Now you say I am stupid to think I am created in His image?
Well I am still stupid
Stupidly in love with Him
The one nailed and has risen for me

I am yours
I am brand new
My Life in your hands
As I hear you call
I follow because I am yours
I am yours my Jesus Christ.


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