Twenty-Second December: Somebody’s Daughter 

Twenty-Second December

Somebody’s Daughter


She was not yours at the beginning,

She is still somebody’s daughter.


The Lelna people’s arms are their women,

Their sustainability is in her bent shoulder,

Compared to the Proverbs virtuous woman,

Her eyes have never seen praise.


She was never supposed to be yours,

She is supposed to remain in her father’s embrace.


Pride has become the tool,

Beauty has been objectified and made a machine,

For what is worth, praise her!

She who brings food to the table.


She is still somebody’s daughter even when you have had your fill,

When next you think evil of her, remember your blood.


Lelna women should be praised,

Their strong arms, her compassionate heart, and the honor she brings her,

Let’s songs play for her, let the earth hear of her,

She deserves to rest, she deserves wealth, for she takes pride in her labor.

I believe in you, you are loved and cherished. God always has your back.

A wonderful and prosperous Christmas and New Year to you from all of us @ Please don’t forget to subscribe and like our blog.



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