Love is not Silence or Violence

Love is not Silence or Violence

A phenomenon described as a rose with thorns, sweet fragrance, beautiful to behold, a storm and a calm, and a pure motivator, love.

Now, do you think this is just the love you feel; When your spouse gets you when they open the doors? No! love is when your spouse leaves you to farm alone, and takes the glory but you serve anyway. When they undermine your strength, question every kind gesture, but you stay committed anyway.

Do you think love is just; when he pays your bills and compliments you? Or does she cook and submits to you? A human heart is incapable of love, only when the supernatural leads. A human is wicked, kind, and pretentious but in unity with God, the human heart can love. No! love is when he doesn’t see you, listen to you or wipe your tears but you serve him anyway. or she wouldn’t listen or respect your ego but you remain committed to loving her anyway.

Do you think love is only sweet ice cream with no bitter waters? A bathing time without hissing dirty days? Love is when you are too broken to pray but you pray anyway. When you are too beaten to be merciful but you wash their feet anyway. Same love got crucified, remember?

Love does not love when defined. When it has reason it becomes a title. Yes, you have butterflies sweet promise of bliss, yes, that too is love but you have not felt it right, yet.

It is still love when you have hard enough, it is still love when you have given everything and have nothing left but are still misunderstood. When you hear praises for a multitude but yours Nah, you have not done enough. It is love when it is hard or easy to forgive.

It is still love when it drags you through hospital floors. Sends you looking from dream to dream. Wakes you up sleepless, sick to your bones unrelenting to break every self. You do not know love, no!

It is a game we say we play, a song we sing, a feeling we feel, a commitment we make. It is sad, it is painful, it is delightful, it is mysterious, it is when you feel it and when it has made you numb. It is loud, it is silence. It makes you say sweet nothings will make you cry bitter nonsense. Yes, it is still love when you walk away.

This thing between man and woman can only be when the creator is the focus. You know love but when tried you will know if it is love.

Love for Nation, love for life, love for God hmmm sweet bitter this powerful mystery. Though it is not love when there is violence. It is love though when you decide to walk away.

As silence is not submission woman, so is violence not love Man.

Now, remember, God responds to faith. So when sacrificing for love and these sacrifices are becoming as though traveling through hell, well, don’t stop! Believe in God and do His will, He will reward your faithful commitments, He will restore every peace, joy, and comfort, the devil has stolen. If you can trust Him with your love and heart, He will turn things around for good.  Don’t give you are about to win! I love you and believe in you.


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