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Thanksgiving, Contentment and Love for others: The Pathway to Trauma Healing

Thanksgiving, Contentment and Love for others: The pathway to trauma healing

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves navigating through moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. Along this winding path, there are times when we are faced with trauma, pain, and uncertainty that threaten to engulf us in darkness. In these challenging times, finding solace in gratitude, thanksgiving, and the soothing words of Psalms 23 can serve as a healing balm for the soul. The Psalmist in Psalms 23:3 says; He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Indeed He it is His purpose to restore our souls which is our minds for His Name’s sake.

Thanksgiving to God is a powerful practice that can shift our focus from despair to hope, from turmoil to peace. It is in expressing gratitude for the blessings we have, no matter how small they may seem, that we open our hearts to receive the abundance of goodness that surrounds us. As we reflect on the good memories woven into the fabric of our lives, we are reminded of the moments of joy, love, and connection that have shaped us. These memories serve as beacons of light in times of darkness, guiding us back to a place of gratitude and grace.

Gratitude for the gift of people who listen is a testament to the power of human connection and empathy. In a world where everyone is busy with their own lives, having someone who is willing to lend an ear, offer support, and validate our feelings can be a priceless gift. It is through these moments of sharing and being heard that we find comfort, solace, and understanding. The act of listening, truly listening, is a profound expression of love and compassion that can help heal the wounds of trauma and pain.

Contentment with the plans and purpose of God is a practice of surrender and trust in the divine wisdom that guides our lives. As echoed in the timeless words of Psalms 23, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want,” we are reminded of God’s provision, protection, and guidance in all circumstances. Even in the valley of the shadow of death, we can find comfort knowing that we are not alone, that God walks beside us, leading us towards green pastures and still waters.

Taking lessons from Psalms 23, we learn to find peacamidof chaos, to trust in the unfolding of God’s plan, and to rest in the assurance of divine protection. Just as the shepherd tends to his flock with care and compassion, so too does God watch over us with love and grace. In times of trauma and upheaval, it is this unwavering faith in God’s presence and purpose that can serve as a healing balm for our wounded souls.

So let us offer thanksgiving to God for the blessings we have, cherish the good memories that bring us joy, express gratitude for the gift of people who listen and offer support, and find contentment in the plans and purpose of God. In doing so, we invite healing, hope, and transformation into our lives, trusting in the eternal promise of goodness and grace that transcends all pain and suffering. Inspired by the timeless wisdom of Psalms 23, may we find peace, comfort, and healing in the loving embrace of God, our shepherd and guide.

I believe in you and your process and absolutely have no doubt of the greatness that you are. Your wholeness is achievable and you are so loved, cherished and appreciated. ❤️


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