This is What Love is

This is also love when you don’t compare your marriage or spouse to anyone. What God is doing in both of you is specifically unique. Don’t betray your self and your spouse going as low as comparing them to an individual who is not in the fight of life with you. It is not worth it, it is a vain pursuit.

If your spouse asks you to do something, do it for them with urgency because you don’t want them to think, you don’t do it because you don’t think it’s “important,” or you don’t ‘love them’ then your Spouse  might get the message that you don’t think they are important or deserve your love.

I love you means you understand that for most men, sex is a form of stress relief. Most women need stress relief before they’re in the mind-set to make love. This dynamic obviously requires a lot of patience and selflessness from both spouses. Applying  patience and selflessness is a statement of love.

I love you means you will be very patient, tender and compassionate towards your spouse when they’ve been the victim of past sexual abuse, if they shared, they  have aborted before or even had a bad past . Those scars are much deeper than you can imagine. Be the safest place on earth for them to process their wounds and work towards healing. Say I love you by being forever kind and unconditionally compassionate. Don’t bring it up to make jest and hurt them, that’s not love, that’s contempt.

I love you means letting your Spouse know that you love, respect and have eyes only for your partner. And that you will gladly choose your spouse all over again if given the chance.

I love you means your spouse comes first and that you will truly fight for them.

I love you means showing your spouse you want a chance for your marriage to work, so you start with a sincere apology. Confess to all the ways you’ve let each other down and profess your commitment to put them first like you should have been doing all along.

When you have betrayed your spouses trust and they seek to leave, pursue your spouse in whatever ways your spouse will allow. Making your home the safest place on earth for your partner. Protect, Fight for, Prioritize them, Pray for them, Serve their needs. Be honest with your spouse. Do all the things you should have been doing all along. That’s what it means to love. That’s how God expects us to love. That will take giving everything you’ve got and leaning on His strength to work through you, because your own strength won’t be enough.

There will be days you don’t feel like fighting for them. I love you means that you know that Love is a commitment, not a feeling. Follow your commitments and your feelings will probably catch up eventually. In the meantime, don’t trust your feelings. Trust your faith in God and trust the vow you made to your Spouse. Fight for your spouse but never against them. Remember that you’re on the same team so this outcome won’t have a winner and a loser. Both of you will either win together or lose together so give it everything you’ve got to make sure you both win.”

It ultimately takes two people to save a marriage, but you have more power than you realize to start the healing process. Fight for your spouse. Fight for your marriage. Your actions might provide the spark your spouse needs to be inspired to join you. Even if you feel like you’re fighting alone, remember that Jesus is with you in this struggle. This also means I love you.

Your spouse is not stupid, don’t forget it was their decision to choose you so say i love you by making plans together.

I love you means to notice and compliment your spouse when they make changes and improve appearance.

I love you means not speaking harshly to your spouse.

I love you means going out on dates, being playful as kids on a regular basis, yes within your budget .

I love you means not to avoid having meaningful conversation with your spouse.

I love you means you would rather make love to them  and also reconcile so you make love when there is a miss understanding rather than satisfying your own sexual needs by using porn or going for a stranger. Watching porn is not the will of God for you ask Him to deliver you from its destructive claws and He will.

I love you also means you don’t avoid your spouses phone calls, texts, emails, social media correspondence, etc.

I love you means saying, “I’m sorry for ____. Please forgive me.” I love you means, I forgive you.

You love your spouse when you don’t regularly forget to tell your mate something specific that you love about your spouse every day.

Marriage is putting in the work, prayer and praise. I believe in God’s vision form your marriage. Thrive and succeed.❤️

I don’t stand for any form of domestic violence and deprivation. I am not in any way recommending you stay in a godless abusive marriage that threatens your life and that of your children. Seek for help now!🔥
As for the abuser, you can ask God to help deliver you and turn from your wicked path now! Before it is too late.


This Post Has 84 Comments

  1. Samson Bull

    Wow! Splendid! Superb! Divine! The beauty and splendor and richness in love words can’t really articulate.
    Thank you Gotname for this revelation. Thank you. Truly, love is the way to victory.

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